• The Ancient Egyptian Warriors consumed Fenugreek before battle to increase Their strength, energy, endurance and stamina . Fenugreek is so powerful in increasing muscle strength that a study was done where 49 resistance trained men were given Fenugreek for two months and their bench press increased by 14 pounds and their leg press increased by 100 pounds . It is great for Fighters and Athletes looking to take their body to the next level . When Women take Fenugreek it has been proven to increase breast milk production and increase breast size . Fenugreek detoxes your body and stops inflammation . It is great for digestive issues, improves cholesterol levels, helps with diabetes and is also good for eating disorders . The Ancient Egyptian Warriors used this herb before battle to increase strength, energy, endurance and stamina. A study has shown that 49 men given Fenugreek for two months increase their leg press strength by 100 lbs. Description– The fenugreek plant can grow to be about 3 feet tall. The plant displays green leaves and white flowers. It also produces seeds which are brown and bitter in taste. Both the leaves and seeds can be used.  
  • Was found in Ancient Egypt and has been used in india for 3,000 years . One of the nick names for Ashwagandha is "Strength of ten Horses" because it increases Strength, Energy, Stamina and Endurance . The plant itself is a perennial and grows up to three feet in height. The plant has flowers from which the berries (which are reddish in color) grow from. When ready to harvest, the roots are pulled from the plant as well as the berries. The roots are detached from the plant and dried. The berries are dried and broken up to remove the seeds. Ashwagandha falls into the nightshade family and contains a beneficial property called withanolides.These have been correlated in research to subdue cancer cells. They also act as antioxidants which work to fight free radicals in the body.  
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