• Goji Berries is one of the most powerful Fruits on The Planet is argubaly the best Herb on The Planet for longevity . The oldest man ever documented was Li qing yuen who a a herbalist and martial artist and one of The Herbs He took every day was Goji Berries and it is documented that he lived to be 256 years old and it was reported that he was born in 1677 and died in 1933 . He was even documented by the government of china as living to be 252 years old when the imperial chinese government records from 1827 congratulating him on his 150th birth day . And what is also interesting is that people living in the Himalyas had a abnormal number of people living to be 100 years old or older and they were drinking from a water well where Goji Berry vines grew and when ripe The Goji Berries would fall in the well water and the people would drink it. Goji Berries is loaded with antioxidants which will explain the ability to help people with longevity and protect the cells in the body and stop inflammation . Goji Berries aid diabetes, fight cancer,, help stop depression, balance hormones, help with weight loss, regulate blood pressure levels, boost vision health, improve lung health, enhance fertility and increase sex drive in men and also detox the liver . Aid Diabetes, Fight Cancer & Depression, Balance   Hormones, Aid Weight Loss, Regulate Blood Pressure   Levels, Boost Vision Health, Improve Lung Health,Enhance Fertility  & Sexual Health, Detoxify The Liver Goji Berry (Lycium Barbarum, also known as wolf berry) Goji berry is a type of fruit and has a similar flavor to cherries and raspberries. The goji berry plant has five petals and and, when ripened, the berries must be carefully shaken from the plant. Once harvested, the berries can be dried and used in many forms. They can either be consumed after being dried, taken in tablets, or used in powders in a variety of dishes. Its many benefits and versatility make it a powerhouse product.  
  • Maca Root was consumed by the Incan Warriors before battle to super charge their energy, stamina, endurance and strength. It adapts to your mental and physical stress levels. Build curves for women and lean muscle for men. Maca root grows underground and has a similar look to turnips. Maca root has a nutty flavor and can be consumed either in a capsule or powdered. Its colors can vary form purple to yellow to cream. It is considered a highly nutritious food. Its traditional uses include being used in religious ceremonies and as an offering to the gods. Nowadays, it is primarily used to treat a variety of ailments such as arthritis and fertility issues.  
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