Turmeric Powder with Black Pepper


Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years. It is known to stop: Inflammation, Aching Joints, Ease Arthritis Pain, Repairs Torn Muscles, Regulates Blood Sugar. Faster Wound Healing, Lose Weight, and Protects Against Alzheimer’s

The power of turmeric comes from the chemical it contains called curcumin. It has been studied for its ability to decrease inflammation and is commonly used for that purpose. The plant it comes from stands just three feet in height and the stem it produces underground resembles ginger root. While it is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream of the body, it can be combined with black pepper to increase its strength. Curcumin dissolves with fat so it is able to be mixed or cooked with fatty foods. It has similar properties to saffron but is ultimately a root.


Turmeric Powder with Black Pepper is a powerful remedy for inflammation. The Turmeric that we provide is combined with Organic Black Pepper. When combined it increases effectiveness by more than 2,000%. This is the result of a bioactive compound called Piperine found in Black Pepper. Equally activates the compound Curcumin in Turmeric. This activation allows the body to absorb Turmeric more effectively. Even though Turmeric is a hybrid herb. It is also very powerful for people recovering from injuries. Ancient Herbs call Turmeric “Weapon X” because its effects can quickly heal the body from injuries, sprains, torn muscles, and nerve damage.

Research studies have even shown that Turmeric causes cancer cells to commit suicide. When applied topically, Turmeric can stop bleeding within minutes and help heal wounds faster. If you are a fighter, strength athlete, or just love training and exercising then Turmeric will truly help you tremendously. Consume Turmeric after your training session and you will immediately feel your soreness start to drift away.

Turmeric is also known to help with arthritis, heart disease, cholesterol, and blood pressure. It also stops pain in the body and helps people recovering from an injury, surgery, or severe joint pain.  Turmeric will help you tremendously if you have diabetes, nerve damage, acne, or psoriasis. It helps improve digestion, strengthens the immune system, acts as a powerful antioxidant, helps with symptoms of depression, helps with bone fractures, supports weight loss, and fights cancer. Turmeric is a powerful herb that will help you with nearly any ailment or injury you experience.

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4 oz (113.3 grams)


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