

 The most powerful Rejuvenating Herb on The Planet .

 Shilajit is Ancient . Very Ancient . The formation of Shilajit goes back thousands to millions of years ago when the Indian Land mass collided with Asia and The Trees and Herbs got stuck together and squeezed between the Land masses for millions of years producing Shilajit . Shilajit also is the only Herb on Planet Earth with Carbon 60 in It and Carbon 60 is a Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Molecule that can be found around Red Stars in The Universe, Astroids and in Lighting Strikes . Here at Ancient Herbs Super Foods We call Carbon 60 “The Super Man Molecule” . It has been said that a Asteroid with Carbon 60 on it landed on Earth and got in Shilajit . Carbon 60 has been called The fountain of youth and the miracle Molecule. Combined with 85 Trace Minerals in Ionic Form and Fulvic Acid too makes Shilajit the most powerful Energizing, and Rejuvenating Herb on The Planet and one of the most powerful Herbs on The Planet for Strengthening The Body and is able to stop pain and inflammation within seconds to a few minutes .



Shilajit truly is a Super Natural Herb . The history of Shilajit can be found in the hindu religion . Buddha’s Ancestor King Chandra Varma spent years protecting the Land he conquered after years went on he felt like he was losing his youthfulness so He prayed to Shiva the hindu god of destruction and asked for his youthfulness back and Shiva liked His prayers so Shiva pulled Shilajit from His own Body and gave it to King Chandra Varma and the King got His youthfulness back and The King became immortal . In this religious story I find some things fascinating . King Chandra Varma was said to have became Immortal when He consumed The Shilajit by Shiva the hindu god of destruction . Shilajit is the only Herb on The Planet that has Carbon 60 in it . Carbon 60 in studies increased the Life Span of The Rats by 90 percent . Shilajit activates Your Pineal Gland which is also called The Third Eye. Shiva is the only hindu god who has a third Eye . Shiva is the only hindu god that is immune to poison . In the studies done on Rats The rats given Carbon 60 became immune to poison while the rats given poison and not given any thing else did not survive . Carbon 60 is a Extraterrestrial Molecule so there is a Spiritual, Galactic and Scientific connection with Shiljat . Some of the most powerful people documented consumed Shilajit as apart of their lifestyle . Yogis of The Himalayan Mountains consume Shilajit and helps Them achieve Super Natural Powers and Longevity . The Sherpa People of The Himalayan Mountains who are known as real life “x – men” having Super Natural Energy and Strength in The Himalayan Mountains consume Shilajit as apart of their lifestyle . King Xerxes I of Persia, genghis khan emperor on mongolia and alexander king of macedon all consumed Shilajit and gave Shilajit to their militaries to enhance their energy and strength in battle and Shilajit is one of the reasons why they were some of the biggest conquering empires every documented . The russian government has been giving Shilajit to their olympic athletes many years and in 1988 olympics they won 55 Gold medals which was a record at the time . The Russians themselves said that Shilajit is equal to anabolic steroids and is undetectable . It was also discovered that people saw monkeys consuming Shilajit from The Himalayan Mountains and noticed that The Monkeys consuming Shilajit had more energy, lived longer and were stronger than the monkeys that were not consuming Shilajit . Shilajit is a Super Natural Herb that is beyond amazing . Consuming Shilajit will Elevate Your Overall Health, Energy and Strength tremendously .

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Weight 4 oz

0.5 oz


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