Organic Sea Moss | Irish Sea Moss


20 in stock

Has 92 Out Of 102 Minerals, Reduces Hunger, Helps Respiratory, Digestion, Mild Laxative, Antioxidants., Varicose Veins., Cold- Flu Cures Anemia, Source of Energy, Treats Thyroid Disorders.

Description– Sea moss is a type of red algae which can grow in parts of Africa, Asia, Jamaica, South America, and the Caribbean. In the world, there are over 700 different types of sea moss. Physically, the plant has fan shaped tops. The color of the plant may be purple, red, or even yellow green. There are three parts to the plant which include the base, middle, and tip.



Organic Sea Moss is a powerful herb that comes from the ocean. It contains 92 out of the 102 Minerals that our bodies are made of. It was an herb that Dr. Sebi lived by and it allowed him to fall on his knees and pop right back up at 82 years old. For fighters and athletes, this is amazing because Organic Sea Moss can strengthen and increase bone density which helps to make you stronger overall. This results in benefiting nearly every area of your life. Sea Moss helps with weight loss and allows you to feel full throughout the day because it expands in your digestive tract. Sea Moss boosts the immune system and removes mucus from the body while also strengthening bones.

It does this because it has one of the highest sources of Calcium of any herb. It is amazing for soothing aching joints and decreasing inflammation. Sea Moss has been shown to help remove varicose veins, eczema, rashes and dry skin. It also balances thyroid disorders and helps with diabetes, halitosis, radiation poisoning and helps people going through cancer. In addition, any person experiencing constipation will feel almost instant relief because Sea Moss is a powerful cleanser of the body. Sea Moss is an herb everyone should be consuming every day!

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Additional information

Weight 4 oz

4 oz (113.3 Grams), 16 oz


Gel, Smoothie, Wildcrafted


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