Welcome to Ancient Herbs Super Foods

Ancient Herbs Super Foods

Where we know “HEALTH is WEALTH”.

We offer herbs in different forms:

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“I am so happy to tell you that after taking the herbs from Ancient Herbs Super Foods, I am feeling really great and feels like I now have a cleaner source of energy. It has helped me on the field and even when I get banged up in games I recover quickly. I have completely stopped taking pre-work-out supplements to avoid all the chemicals that are usually in them and now I only use these herbs.  I believe all athletes should try it because it’s been all good for me. I’m actually in the best shape of my life.  The herbs feellike a natural steroid and has helped me at the training camp.  I am here today because I needed to get some more herbs since I am going to be playing this Saturday in Orlando.”– Reggie Northrup Former FSU Line-backer/San Diego Chargers Line-backer/Orlando Apollos Line-backer

“I started taking Ashwagandha, Black Seed, Rhodiola Rosea and Turmeric from Ancient Herbs Super Foods on January 4thwhen I was going to football training camp in San Antonio with the Atlanta Legends. I took it every day and I felt like I was killing camp, it helped me with my aches and pains.” Tavaris Barnes, Former Clemson Defensive Lineman/New Orleans Saints/Tampa Bay Buccaneers/Seattle Seahawks/Atlanta Legends.. 

“I am so delighted to have tried the Rhodiola Rosea.  After approximately 20 minutes of having it, my symptoms immediately started to improve. Now my hands are no longer shaking and I can freely move my fingers. I no longer have to wear my gloves and I am super excited about that. The Rhodiola Rosea is totally amazing.”  – ClarissJacksonville, Fl


“I was a body builder in my early years, but now I have to walk with crutches and oftentimes I feel like I have no energy.  Someone told me to come to this place to try the herbs and the results have been phenomenal.  I only put 2 small spoons of it on my tongue and then I drank some water.  I could feel it going through my body.  About three minutes later, my energy level increased dramatically and the pain in my body was gone.  In fact, I have been on my crutches all day and now I can move without it. This is no joke, this herb really works.” –

Garry Jacksonville, Fl


“My energy level is back and the joint pains I was feeling especially in my knees are gone.  I only took a little pinch of that Rhodiola Roseaand within 10 minutes I had no more pain. I am so excited about this and want everyone to try it because it is really good and it works.” – Frank, Jacksonville, Fl


“Before I started taking The Ashwagandha,Rhodiola RoseaI felt sleepy and my pressure was up.  After taking it my pressure which was 180/90 is now at 122/74. This is truly amazing.  The last time my blood pressure reading was that low was about 17 years ago.  This product is really really good, so I would encourage everybody to come on down here and check it out.” – Mr. Willie – Jacksonville, Fl

Mr. Willie

“When I was in Wisconsin I had knee surgery, I had no cartilage in my knee. I was constantly in pain, I had trouble walking and I had serious lower back issues. I met someone who introduced me to the Turmeric drink.  I drank about a quarter of a gallon of the drink over a one week period and the pain in my knee went almost immediately. It’s been two months now since I have been having the drink and I no longer have any problems.” – Al – Jacksonville, Fl



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