

Ginger is one of the most powerful Herbs on Planet Earth for stopping inflammation which is a main cause for nearly every disease . Ginger is so powerful it has been proven to be 10,000 times more powerful than chemotheraphy for cancer . Study after study has proven that when Ginger is sprinkled on top of cancer cells the cancer selves commit apoptosis which is means that the cancer cells commit suicide . Ginger is also been proven to strengthen the Immune System greatly, ease nausea, decrease blood sugar levels, help with menstruation and help stop pain during Women’s menstrual cycles . Ginger is very powerful for Men’s prostate and actually been proven to skrink enlarge prostates . Ginger also helps with osteoarthritis, arthritis, combating infection, aid in digestion, lowers cholesterol, helps with diabetes, improves brain function . Ginger is also great for Fighters and Athletes looking to recovery faster from sprains and injuries . Because of how powerful Ginger is for stopping inflammation it will help with the recovery process .

Slows Cancer, Eases Nausea, Decreases Blood Sugar Levels, Helps with Menstruation, Helps with Osteoarthritis,Combating Infections, Aid in digestion, Lowers Cholesterol, Improves Brain Function

Description– The ginger plant grows an edible rhizome which is the ginger root. The root has a yellowish center and light tan outside with rough skin. The leaves on the plant can be up to 7 cm long. The plant itself also produces yellow flowers. Ginger can be consumed in a variety of ways including pickled, powdered, raw, and cooked.



Ginger is one of the most powerful herbs on planet Earth for stopping inflammation. This is important because inflammation is one of the main causes for nearly every disease. Ginger has been proven to be 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy for cancer. Study after study has proven that when Ginger is sprinkled on top of cancer cells, the cancer cells commit apoptosis which is means that the cancer cells commit suicide. Ginger has also proven to: strengthen the immune system, ease nausea, decrease blood sugar levels, help with menstruation, and help prevent pain during women’s menstrual cycles. Ginger is beneficial for men as well and has proven to shrink enlarge prostates. Ginger helps alleviate symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and arthritis. It also: combats infection, aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol, helps with diabetes, and improves brain functioning. Ginger is also great for athletes looking to recover faster from sprains and injuries. Because of how powerful Ginger is for stopping inflammation, it will help with the recovery process that results from overexertion of the muscles.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz

4 oz (113.3 grams)


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